Thursday, August 17, 2017

Charlottesville's America to Germany's Nazism?

Charlottesville in context How Germany responds to “blood and soil” politics

This Economist editorial has strained points to prove that Germany responds to WASP ethnocentric bootlickers and their leaders better than America, but the magazine's editorial neglects to point out the silly Hollywood-minded core of most Americans, from fascism to transgender vegan fetishes; all ethnocentric fluff with little to do with improving one's working conditions. Americans are blindsided by their government, corporate media, and propaganda in school textbooks. 

Statements like "The whole furious display of armed ethno-nationalism from Donald Trump and some of his media cheerleaders" is a sideshow to the dismantling of workers' rights. While children in Germany are reminded of the Holocaust,  the essential part of American children's curriculum is justification for capitalism and how to be consumers; there is little mention of Native American history from their point of view or the 60 million murdered with guns and disease for manifest destiny of the same ilk that created Nazism and European imperialism; exploitation and colonization of the world. That seems to be okay with this magazine. Germany has "little brass squares in the pavements (Stolpersteine, or stumbling stones) containing the names and details of Holocaust victims" and America has Hollywood Blvd. The places that unions were born on the Lower Eastside, Patterson, Lawrence, Brisbee,  may have plaques that no one notices, and a history that is swept under the patriotic rug, not highlighted like Nazism is in Germany. 

"Benjamin Netanyahu suggested that the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem had proposed exterminating the Jewish people to Hitler, she politely but firmly corrected him: 'Germany abides by its responsibility for the Holocaust.'" At least the anti-Israeli author points out Bengy and his apartheid schmucks are just as dumb as Trump at the same time admiring German censorship of Finis Germania, a recently published book "claiming that German identity is being dismantled, excised from some bestseller lists." though condemning hyper-cautious editorial style. Ha! At least Germany allows books condemning Zionism to be published. 

The most disgusting part of this editorial comes at the end when the author talks of America as one of the "countries without Holocausts on their history books [that]can also learn from Germany's grown-up, vigilant and dutiful culture of remembrance." 60 million murdered Native Americans does not qualify as a holocaust to this magazine????? The Economist is the last authority on humanity. The denial of history and selective references to racism are a travesty to the understanding of what's happened to American workers trampled under all the bullshit distractions of all the self-centered trends that liberate no one but perhaps the man or woman in the mirror.  

"Hate speech" has brought out more progressive organization, but the right to demand better pay for workers by having rallies or marching in picket lines is more difficult than getting permits for "free speech" marches. Get real and know what the fight is for: a living wage. Fight NAFTA, not only bootlickers.  

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